Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm still alive in case anyone is wondering. What I'm doing right now? well, that's for me to know and you not to.


  1. As-salamu Alaykum. I'm interested in Nuh Ha Mim Keller, having once spoken to him on the phone and having received from him a signed copy of The Reliance of the Traveller. I must say that I have been horrified by what I have read about him, his wife, his tariqa and his zawiya during the past two days. Best wishes from New Zealand. Wassalam.

  2. salam aleykom
    Im from France and Ive been wanting to take bayah with him for a while, but have been reading terrible thinsg on the internet, on his tariqa and wife etc
    On one side, I tell myself that you can't trust things that are written on the internet and anyone could make tales up..and as muslims I don't know if we can have bad thoughs about our muslim bros and sis.
    But subhanallah, last junuary when I first listened to the shaykh's audios and started reading his website...I had a nightmare involving weird wallahi, it put me off but I thought maybe that was simply shaytan playing with my mind and putting fear into my mind, as Ive had nightmares involving bearded men (Im a non married sister)...
    Wallahi I'm confused...And if this is all true, then is the concept of tariqat all falsehood???At least in the world today??
    May Allah show us the truth and give us understanding of the deen, amin

    [sorry for the bad english :)]

  3. salaam alaikum,

    I am an ex murid and I need to talk to other ex murids for support and to know that I am not the only one affected by Keller's cult for over 10 years!! Please contact me
